
Danny Thompson<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/martenteam.com.<\/p>

Danny Thompson<\/p>




Hi Jeanie long time since we talked. Danny and I are possibly going to move back to Texas from MS and are interested in looking at a house in Fate. We will be getting to my moms house in Sachse on Nov 9th mid day and wanted to see about getting an appt to look at this house (https:\/\/www.zillow.com\/homedetails\/302-Derick-Dr-Fate-TX-75189\/80255762_zpid\/) on the 9th around 4:30pm if possible. Could you help out with making that happen. I can't say when the timing on any of this will happen but what I can tell you is that once it does happen we will also be needing to list Moms house in Sachse for sale as she will be moving in with us. And there is no one in the area that any of us trust more than you. Hope you and the family are doing well. Just let me know if an appt can be made. I have left Danny's info because it's his work schedule that we have to work around.\n\nThanks,\nChelly & Danny T<\/p>
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