
Theo Theologis<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/roveridx.com.<\/p>

Theo Theologis<\/p>




Hello,\nI am interested in RoverIDX and have a couple of questions:\n- I do not see Bright MLS (covers VA, DC, MD, DE, etc) in the list of supported MLSs. Can that MLS be added?\n- Regarding the pricing for Number of Agents, is that pricing for multiple users of a single website\/URL or is it for multiple URLs? In other words, for 3-10 Agents it is $130 per month. Is that for 3-10 agents being users of one website, or is it for 3-10 agent websites under the same brokerage?\nMore specifically, I operate 5 niche (neighborhood-specific) websites and, while they don't get much traffic, I would like to have an IDX search for each one of them. Would that fall under the pricing of 3-10 Agents?\n\nThanks,\nTheo\n<\/p>
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