
Kara Briggs <\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/newyorkland.forsale.<\/p>

Kara Briggs <\/p>




My boyfriend and I saw this property on land.com we think it would be perfect. We just want to get away from the city and start our life. We do have a few questions. Does the property flood? Can we make payments? Is there any zoning laws or zoning restrictions? <\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 03, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Enjoy fishing right from your own property! Bring your campers, tents, friends and family and come enjoy this picturesque Unadilla River acerage.Lovely parcel with a stream running through and feeding into the Unadilla, this is a nice haven for wildlife and fishing enthusiasts. Convenient to town for shopping and restaurants, and then home to your peaceful waterfront haven. The Unadilla River is a...<\/p>


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